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API call

This solution allows you to send single or batch orders, either in "real time" or in a grouped way with a minimum frequency of 1 batch per day.

Once your account is created, Hipli will give you two pieces of information: your identifier and your token (account creation is done via request to Hipli).

To remember

Keep these information secret, they are the ones that identify your different calls.

For each call, the server will answer you a HTTP code 202 (Accepted) with an empty body.

In case of error, the server will return an HTTP code 400 or 500.

If you need help to understand the error, please contact the Hipli technical team

The URL to access the service is the following:

(It is possible to check that the service is operational by doing a GET on the URL returning the time in UTC)

The call to this service can be made order by order (unit call) or in batch:

Each call is made as follows:

POST /order

with headers :

Content-Type: application/json
X-Hipli-ShopToken: {TOKEN}

(The token is the one that was given to you when you created your account)

The request body must contain the following object in JSON (case-sensitive and send in UTF-8):

sourceIdStringMandatoryRepresents a unique identifier for your system (useful for grouping for the same order). Usually, it is recommended to use your order number.Max 50 charORD-1234
sourceShopStringMandatoryRepresents your identifier given to you when your account was created.Max 50 charSHOP-HIPLI
orderDateString - date ISO-8601MandatoryRepresents the date of your order in ISO-8601 format.23 char2023-01-13T10:15:30.00Z
destinationCountryStringMandatoryCountry code in ISO 3166-Alpha 3 (see list here charFRA
numberOfProductIntegerMandatoryRepresents the number of items (excluding Hipli parcel) in the user's order. Be careful if you add the Hipli package as an additional item to your order, remember to remove it when counting.under 504
hipliSkuStringOptionalRepresents the serial number of the Hipli package used for shipping. This field can be the content of the generic barcode representing the format, or the unique identifier (barcode or QRCode) or a character string among the values (MINUS, HIPLUS, MAGNUS, MAXIMUS, BOX,...)Max 50 charMAGNUS
mailLangStringOptionalLanguage of the email sent to the customer (default: FR) - Allowed values: FR, ENMax 5 charFR
clientJSON objectMandatory"Client" object (see after)Represents client information

Client object :

firstNameStringMandatoryClient first nameMax 50 charPierre
lastNameStringMandatoryClient last nameMax 50 charLeresteux
mailStringMandatoryClient mail (will be used for the mail sent by Hipli)Max 50
addr1StringOptionalFirst part of the client's postal addressMax 100 char52 quai frissard
addr2StringOptionalSecond part of the client's postal addressMax 100 charImmeuble Le Bassin
cityStringOptionalClient cityMax 100 charLe Havre
zipCodeStringOptionalClient zipcodeMax 10 char76600
countryStringOptionalClient countryMax 50 charFRANCE
phoneStringOptionalClient phone numberMax 30 char0607080910

The following are examples of query content:

Minimal JSON (Only with mandatory fields) :

"sourceId": "ORD-1234",
"sourceShop": "SHOP-HIPLI",
"orderDate": "2023-01-13T10:15:30.00Z",
"destinationCountry": "FRA",
"numberOfProduct": 4,
"client": {
"firstName": "Pierre",
"lastName": "Leresteux",
"mail": ""

Full JSON (all fields) :

"sourceId": "ORD-1234",
"sourceShop": "SHOP-HIPLI",
"orderDate": "2023-01-13T10:15:30.00Z",
"destinationCountry": "FRA",
"numberOfProduct": 4,
"hipliSku": "MINUS",
"mailLang": "FR",
"client": {
"firstName": "Pierre",
"lastName": "Leresteux",
"mail": "",
"addr1": "52 quai frissard",
"addr2": "Immeuble Le Bassin",
"city": "Le Havre",
"zipCode": "76600",
"country": "FRANCE",
"phone": "0607080910"

Contact / Questions

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Hipli contact or the technical team: contact